Thursday, 3 March 2016

Weather for astronomers

Today we have added a new panel below this one, which gives information about weather and visibility from a website called Clear Outside. The difference being that this one is aimed at astronomers.

The info covers all aspects of the weather that is of interest to stargazers and those who enjoy taking photos of the skies at night, but will also prove useful to others who want specific and accurate (well as accurate as we can hope for!) information about the weather.

So whether it is cloud cover, rain or frost our new panel will keep you informed.

As a bonus if you go to the Clear Outside website and see the info there it will also tell you if the International Space Station is due for a pass overhead - how neat is that?!

Now you have no excuse for not knowing when you can take pics of the moon or those meteor showers or other sky objects. :)

The full moon over Burton on Xmas Eve 2015, photo © Anne Nichols 2015